Pregnancy - as grateful as we are for it - comes with some challenges!
With nausea and bloating in the first trimester, through to aching joints and strained muscles by the third, pregnancy can prove difficult, exhausting and painful for many.
Needless to say, with the days being filled with strains and difficulties in mobility, and the nights may be spent tossing and turning. Finding rest and relief can be hard.
However, floating while pregnant is often the relaxation many are looking for. Here are some common questions that we’ve answered below.
Is floating beneficial during pregnancy?
Yes! The buoyancy of a float tank can offer the weightlessness you’ve been looking for. It allows time for you to fully relax with a much-needed break from aches and pains. The silence and darkness will give you a chance to catch your breath and experience total relaxation before your baby arrives.
Is floating safe for pregnant people?
It’s always best to check with your doctor or midwife beforehand, especially if you have pre-existing conditions. However, floating while pregnant is generally very safe, and most will experience incredible physical and mental relief.
Additionally, rest assured that the water temperature is set to 34.5°c, which is within the recommendations advised by the NHS. This is like a warm bath rather than a hot tub!
Are there any side effects?
Only of the positive kind! Some first time floaters can emerge from the tank feeling slightly nauseous, and those that suffer severe sea sickness may feel the effects, but follow your usual routine of prevention and all should be well!
In fact, because of its non-invasive and weightless nature, floating is one of the safest activities anyone can enjoy with the added benefit of replenishing the magnesium deficiency that most of us have due to depleted magnesium levels in our soil and food.
Taking time to be with your baby can increase your bond and excitement for seeing them soon. It’s also a time that you can take for yourself before the round-the-clock care of your newborn baby begins!
Using floatation pods as a tool to unwind and enjoy the quietness before the excitement begins will be a great way to prepare your mind and body for the journey ahead. It’s a time to strengthen the trust in your body’s capabilities, and to give yourself every chance possible of a more relaxing pregnancy.
Find out more about floating here, and book in your session here.