Fight, flight or float? You have the ability to choose your mindset again.
When experiencing stress our bodies release a hormone called cortisol, which is responsible for our fight or flight state or mind.
While some stress is helpful, the balance can be tipped when cortisol is being released at high levels for a sustained amount of time. This is called chronic stress, which has negative impacts on the cardiovascular, gut and immune systems.
However, taking time to focus your mind on the present moment in the form of meditation encourages you to pivot away from worry and stress.
Meditation is extremely beneficial as it reduces our levels of cortisol and lowers its effects on the mind and the body. It gives our system a chance to recover and regulate, reducing feelings of anxiety, depression and stress and their physical effects.
Yes - our emotions and state of mind are closely connected to our physical health. Giving yourself time to quieten your mind can reduce blood pressure, strengthen your immune system, reduce muscle tightness and relieve tension headaches.
If you’re new to meditation, it can be difficult to focus and ignore distractions - or even just find the time and space to do it. It’s easy to talk yourself out of selfcare, but taking time to de-stress is as important as a balanced diet and exercise.
Taking advantage of our floatation tanks will thrust you into a conducive environment that blocks out disturbances and allows you to funnel all your energy into calming your body. It’s a reliable way to allocate time for you without an excuse.
Floatation sessions reduce feelings of being overwhelmed, and quietens intrusive thoughts that offer no benefit to your wellbeing. Thoughts take up energy, and not all of them are beneficial. So choosing what thoughts to dwell on dictates how energised or drained you feel.
Getting back to ground zero using floating is a great tool to reset your mind and refocus on rewarding thinking.
Floating not only helps to heal, but it also helps your body to prepare and be resilient. It could well result in taking fewer sickies because you’d have had the time to unwind before feeling burnt out. Staying in a positive mindset means you’ll be thinking clearer with fewer ‘bad’ or ‘low’ days ahead too.
Calm your mind, heal your body and regulate your mood by meditating while floating.