Using floatation pods as a form of relaxation therapy has been proven to produce an incredible variety of positive mental and physical effects.
The solitude of a floatation pod provides an environment conducive for total relaxation and meditation. It can be hard to take time out to concentrate totally on yourself without distractions, but these pods make it possible.
Traffic, children, phones, emails, work and stress are left outside, allowing you a usually rare opportunity to listen to your breath and your body. The zero gravity in floatation pods is a result of the high concentration of Epsom salts in the water. After an hour, you’ll feel rested, relaxed and refreshed.
It’s the ultimate ‘restart’ button for your mindset and tight muscles.
Taking advantage of these pods regularly will do your mind and body a huge amount of good. Here are some examples of the real benefits you’ll likely experience:
Mental benefits:
With stimulation left outside of the tanks, you’ll be forced to let your mind wander. This has been linked to increased creativity and focus after your session.
Results such as decreased anxiety, depression and sleeplessness have also been reported.
A renewed sense of optimism is a common effect of spending time in a floatation tank.
It’s estimated that one hour in the pod offers similar benefits to getting eight hours of sleep.
Helps you to recover from fatigue and jet lag.
Physical benefits:
Aches and pains subside in the weightlessness of the warm water.
High blood pressure and chronic stress has been linked to cardiovascular disease. By simply relaxing, you’re reducing stress levels and increasing your quality of sleep, which helps your heart.
A study showed that floatation can help reduce lactic acid after exercise, which causes muscle pain and cramps. A quick recovery means you can get back to training sooner.
Epsom salts are a compound made up of Magnesium, which is a mineral that our bodies find greatly beneficial as they help to regulate enzymes, muscle control and to eliminate harmful toxins in our system.
Boosts immune system and blood flow.
Starting 2023 out right could be as easy as having an hour in a floatation pod to set your mind straight, and get your body in great shape.
Whether you’re looking for mental or physical benefits, or just some time away from noise, floatation pods are a fantastic tool to get your balance back.
Book your session today and get on the right track to feeling amazing again.